A list of books I have read/been reading and the ones I plan to read.
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Book | Author | Genre | Status | Notes |
The Rust Programming Language | Steve Klabnik, Carol Nichols | Programming | Reading | A book on the Rust programming language. |
Database Internals: A deep-dive into how distributed data systems work | Alex Petrov | Databases | Reading | A book on how the internals of a distributed database work. |
The Beginning of Infinity | David Deutsch | Philosophy | Reading | Talks about how contrary to the popular belief, human beings are not just a tiny speck of dust in the universe, our creativity and intelligence is what makes us unique. |
Our Mathematical Universe | Max Tegmark | Science | Read list | A book on the nature of the universe and how mathematics is the language of the universe. |
The Science of Interstellar | Kip S. Thorne | Science | Read list | A book on the science of the movie Interstellar. |
Gödel, Escher, Bach | Douglas Hofstadter | Philosophy | Read list | A book on the nature of intelligence and creativity. |
Dopamine Nation | Anna Lembke | Science | Read list | A book on the science of dopamine and how it affects our behavior. |
Poor Charlie's Almanack - The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger | Peter D. Kaufman | Biography, Humor | Read list | A collection of Charlie Munger's thoughts on life, business, and investing. |
Amazon Letters to Shareholders 1997 - 2020 | Jeff Bezos | Business | Read list | A collection of letters from Jeff Bezos to Amazon shareholders. |
Antifragile | Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Philosophy, Economics | Read | A book on how to be antifragile. |
Atomic Habits | James Clear | Self-help | Read | A very practical book on how habits are formed and how to break them. |
The Hard Thing about Hard Things | Ben Horowitz | Business | Read | A book on how to build and run a startup with stories from his experience at Netscape and Loudcloud. |
Metamorphosis | Franz Kafka | Fiction | Read | Interesting story on how human life is not always what we expect it to be. |
Chaos Monkeys | Antonio Garcia Martinez | Business | Read | A story about how companies are built and how they fail. Has stories from Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. during their early days. |
American Prometheus | Kai Bird, Martin J. Sherwin | History | Read | A story about the development of the atomic bomb and the people involved, especially J. Robert Oppenheimer. |
Sapiens | Yuval Noah Harari | History | Read | An excellent starter book on history and human evolution. |
Meditations | Marcus Aurelius | Philosophy | Read | A collection of Marcus Aurelius's thoughts on life and how to live it. |