Dipesh Pandey

I am a novice programmer and a life-time learner. I am originally from Nepal, but I have been living in Norway for the past 4 years. In my current role,I mainly work on Full-Stack Development with Python/Typescript/Django/FastAPI/Node.JS and HTMX/React, but also like to fiddle around with data engineering, Machine Learning, and LLMs from time to time in my free time. Currently, I am learning the Rust programming language.

I am passionate about building end-to-end products and getting involved early in the development process. My projects page showcases several personal tools and platforms I’ve built - some generating revenue, others in active development. I enjoy exploring new technologies and frameworks which I have documented in my blog posts covering topics from physics to LLMs to normal tech stuff.

When I’m not coding, I’m usually reading (check out my reading list), playing sports, or cooking or watching movies. Thanks for visiting!